The mission of the Fairport Senior Center is to improve the lives of adults 55 and older, through caring service, opportunities for social interaction, recreation, basic support, programs, education, volunteering, and community support.
Participants who attend the Fairport Senior Center activities, groups who use our services, and those who otherwise use the facility several times a year or more, are encouraged to become members.
Membership is open to anyone age 55 or older. Spouses of those 55 or older (and spouse is not 55), may become members with a joint membership
at an annual cost of $12 per person.
In addition, memberships are available for anyone under 55 at an annual cost of $15 per person. These members may take part in all activities, except the weight room.
DUES: Resident: $12.00 Non-Resident: $12.00
Under 55 Years Old ($15.00)
1380 East St, Fairport Harbor
Map Here
Phone: (440) 354-3674
Rear Pavilion